Come join us for UnderDeveloped 2024!

Come join us for UnderDeveloped 2024. 

What is it?

UnderDeveloped is a relaxed unconference to celebrate all things games and play: DIY, unfinished, works in progress. Inspired generally by Barcamps, specifically by Lost Levels, and most importantly by having a bunch of wonderful inspiring game makers visiting the city this week. 

UnderDeveloped invites you to remember why you got into this industry in the first place, and hopes to connect people back to their playful and creative roots. There’s no set topic or keynote speaker. It’s entirely free to attend, participants decide what to talk about and anyone can join in. 

What would I talk about? 

You can run a session on whatever you want. Talk about your niche hobby, run a craft session, a ukulele jam, whatever interests you and that you’d like to share with a willing audience. Sessions are either 10 or 20 minutes and are meant to be fairly informal. 

When you turn up you can propose a session and it’ll get added to the list, or you can sign up below and propose something in advance.

Where and When?

Wednesday 10th July
Brunswick Square, Brighton

From 12pm onwards. The end time will depend on how many speakers want to get involved, but we propose around three hours of sessions.

Look out for the UnderDeveloped sign and gamey folks on picnic blankets.

(In case of wet weather, we’ll move indoors or reschedule. We’ll update with more info this closer to the time.)


Sign up

You don’t have to sign up in order to attend, but if you do it will help us plan for numbers, give us an idea of how many people want to talk, what refreshments to bring and how many post-its and picnic blankets we’ll need!

**Sign up here**


Underdeveloped is sponsored by:
Would you like to sponsor UnderDeveloped?

We promise you no return on investment, but are happy to hand out stickers if you have them. Each sponsor slot costs £50. Email above if you are interested. Sponsor money will go on, seating, drinks, snacks, pens, paper and post-it notes, and it we have anything left over we will donate it to the Friends of Brunswick Square.